Today We Practice Self-Care

Nurturing, Caring, Healing

We are on our fifth of six weeks of focusing on our inner selves to be the change we wish to see in the world. This week is all about self-care.

Stop running around buying this and that, doing this and that, saying this and that, eating this and that. Just stop for a moment. Look inside. Breath deeply. Relax your jaw. What is your true self calling out for? Your body, mind and spirit all need nurturing. Take the time to give yourself what you need.

If you know what you need, give yourself that gift. Do it now or do it as soon as possible. Knowing what I need is such a blessing. Sometimes I have no fucking idea what I need. I just know that I am feeling out of sorts, emotional, uncomfortable. These are the times when self-care is especially important for me. I like to write a list of things I can do to take care of myself, especially things that are free, accessible and that I can do alone. This list can be a great resource when I don’t know what I need. But even without your own personal list. You can still take care of yourself with the basics listed below.

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. – Etty Hillesum

Caring for yourself is important. It may be the most important thing. It is the healing your body, mind and spirit need. If you are struggling with finding gratitude, try self-care. If you are struggling in your relationships, try self-care. If you are struggling with work, try self-care. Notice a pattern here? Taking care of yourself is a way of showing gratitude for the gift of life that you have been given. And once you have honored yourself and your creator in this way a wave of abundant appreciation emerges.

Practice Self-Care

If you already know what you need, stop reading and go do that.

Slow down.

Have you ever tried to take care of someone else when you are rushing around and distracted? It usually backfires because a huge part of nurturing is slowing down and being present. Give yourself this same respect and slow down, take deep breaths rest deep into each one. Know that self-care has already begun.

Drink a glass of water, mindfully.

This basic step is so often overlooked. For extra nurturing add some essential oils or fresh mint, berries or citrus to your water. As you drink, notice the smell of the water. Notice the feel of the water on your lips, in your mouth, in your throat. Swallow and breath. Imagine the healing properties of the water. Contemplate your intention of self-care, self-nurturing, and self-healing and allow the water to feed you in this way.

Go outside.

A change of scenery is helpful for self-care and if you can go into nature that can provide even more healing. Notice small details. Use all of your senses. Move your body.

Take it in.

Listen to a record or go see live music. Read a book or go to the library and check out a book. Explore something you’ve seen a million times before with child-like wonder.

Practice gratitude.

Write down what you are grateful for. Take an inventory of your body and acknowledge the gratitude you have for your body, mind and spirit.

Give yourself a special gift.

Choose one thing to offer yourself as a gift. Make yourself a healthy meal. Use your favorite dish or mug. Write with your favorite pen. Open up your jewelry box and put on a special occasion piece of jewelry. Take a special rock or seashell in your hand. Hold it and imagine all the ways that you have nurtured yourself since that came into your possession.


Take a bath or soak your feet. Use a special bath product like epsom salts, bubble bath or a scrub. Add some essential oils to the water and take in the aroma as you soak. When you emerge, slowly and mindfully apply lotion or body oil noticing every touch.


We are exploring and caring for our inner selves through gratitude. Six weeks of self-awareness, learning new skills and practicing them:

This is not a linear process each of these topics and practices will cycle back into the others. As we look at our inner selves we will find gratitude and it will help us accept, have compassion, love, care, and grow.



[su_quote cite=”Parker J. Palmer”]Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.[/su_quote]


This Week’s Gratitude Question

speakup   [su_button url=”” background=”#178fb3″]What gratitude emerged for you the last time you took care of yourself?[/su_button]



My Gratitude Experience Last Week

zoomSome moments of gratitude are so plainly obvious, a huge wave crashing over me. While others are so subtle that they seem nearly unnoticeable. The later takes lots of attention and reflection for the gratitude to surface. I experienced both this week. Witnessing the birth of my nephew a crashing wave of gratitude and a craigslist facilitated trade that left me telling a story of complaint before the nearly unnoticeable gratitude emerged.


Forgotten Gratitude

extraLast week I was also grateful for the perfect chai and even more appreciation for it as I have yet to perfect my recipe … Eye contact that communicated interest and a head nod that communicated understanding.



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Image by Antonia Montoya

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The Gratitude I Shared Last Week


Sun 4/12/2015 I’m grateful for holding my nephew, wind chimes ringing in the wind, surrounded by family … Second Easter and pecan pie … The third dozen eggs we were gifted from family, nothing like the taste of fresh eggs from backyard chicken coops … I’m grateful that more than half of my bracelets have sold from my mom’s store.
Sat 4/11/2015 I’m grateful for catching up on sleep … A spontaneous outing and being able to catch Del … A fresh healthy dinner created and enjoyed together … The body awareness and presence that came with deep breaths.
Fri 4/10/2015 I’m grateful for my colleagues covering for me so I could rest … Getting work done even though I was still so tired … A trade that gave us both what we wanted … Teenage ladies decorating a tree with gratitude, finding something to be thankful for even in bad circumstances, wanting to get away from their phones and netflix to enjoy the little things in life … Much-needed time to connect.
Thu 4/9/2015 I’m so eternally grateful for my sweet baby nephew, such a tiny bundle of love makes my heart overflow … I’m grateful to share in the birth experience with my strong, powerful, zen-like sister as she brought him into this world … I’m grateful for a change in plans and the relaxation it allowed … I’m grateful for Aunt Annabelle and all the lives she brought into this world. I am so exhausted, emotional, loving, and grateful. What a day!
Wed 4/8/2015 I’m grateful for seeing a momma duck earlier sitting on her nest … Sharing tea and open hearts … Even more release this morning.
Tue 4/7/2015 I’m grateful for my nephew Noah, such a kind respectful fun guy, and especially for his hugs, today celebrating his 17th birthday … I’m grateful for a walk earlier, there’s nothing like moving my body for release … I’m grateful for the evening calls of the toads breaking the silence of bed time.
Mon 4/6/2015 I’m grateful for getting to know a new friend over pie and salads … YouTube videos that let me know I’m not the only one … An article that I created thanks to the source that pushed me in new ways … Beginning to break my compulsive social media habits.


Created by Antonia Montoya

[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can to. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]