Feel Your Feelings

Don’t skip the heart of it all.

These Feelings Are Real

I beg of you to sit with them.
These feelings that are alive in you right now.
Whatever they are.
However they feel.
Just be here now with them.

What are you noticing in your body?
Where do you feel sensations?
Where do you feel tension?

These feelings are real.
And they are here now.
You didn't invite them in. That's true.
But they are here nonetheless.
It is tempting to ignore them. 
Wish them away.
Pretend like they aren't there.

It is tempting to be fake when it comes to emotion.
But please don't.
Be honest.
What are you feeling?

Don't skip to finding the positive.
Don't skip to feeling grateful.
Be here right now.
Be real right now.

Feel your feelings.
All of them.
They are telling you something.
Guiding you.

Notice them. Honor them. Be with them.
Then release them.



quoteHonesty before positivity. You have to feel what you feel before you can reach for a better feeling. All feelings are valid and deserve space within us.
~Jerome Braggs

What emotions are alive in you at this moment?

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[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]

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