World Gratitude Day is Friday

Ripples of Gratitude

A Day to Spread Gratitude Throughout the World  

Friday is World Gratitude Day, a day to spread gratitude throughout the world. Do you feel alone in your gratitude practice? Do you believe in gratitude? Do you envision a world united by gratitude? Are there others that you know would benefit from practicing gratitude but they don't?

World Gratitude Day is a perfect day to spread gratitude in our lives, our communities, the world. People ask me all the time how to get other people to be grateful or to practice gratitude. My answer is: Be vulnerable by speaking from the heart to share your own gratitude.

We don't get others to be grateful by making them, encouraging them or even asking them what they are grateful for. We do it buy modeling it: practicing gratitude and sharing it with others. Because there is nothing that inspires gratitude like hearing or reading other peoples authentic gratitude. When I see what someone else is grateful for it often makes me realize that I am grateful for the same thing or something similar. Then if I share gratitude it inspires others in the same way. It is such a beautiful thing to see those ripples of gratitude spread across the community.

Think creatively about how you will share your gratitude in celebration of World Gratitude Day. Here are some of my ideas that involve technology:

  • Share what you are grateful for on your facebook page. Share gratitude in your facebook groups for something that is related the topic of the group. 
  • Share gratitude on twitter.
  • Share a photo or video of something you are grateful for on instagram.
  • Send texts to people you care about sharing what you are grateful for (this doesn't have to be thanking them but just sharing in general what you are grateful for.
  • Reply to all of your emails with saying what you are grateful for about the email, the work, or the person you are emailing.

Of course there are so many other ideas that can happen without technology such as gratitude sharing as a family or at your work meetings, etc.

What will you do to be a light of gratitude in the world?



quoteYou can literally wake up another person with your glow.
~Yogi Bhajan

What will you do this week to make your gratitude known to others?

[su_button url=”” background=”#eaf62d” color=”#999999″ size=”20″ center=”yes”]Click for Antonia’s Shared Gratitude[/su_button]


[su_button url=”” background=”#999999″ color=”#eaf62d” size=”20″ center=”yes”]Click to See Our Collective Gratitude[/su_button]


[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]

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