My Spirit Animal is a Party

What will you do at your gratitude party?

The last time I did a vision statement for my business and life the imagery and sounds of a party came up again and again. This surprised me because I don’t always like going to parties. I really value time in my own nest alone and with my partner as well as one-on-one time with close friends. The best parties for me are those in which I sink into a comfy chair and get into deep conversations with someone. So while I definitely don’t see myself as a cliche party animal, especially now that I don’t drink, I do get energized and excited about parties. I love the snacks, music, dancing, and pairing up for deep conversations. What is interesting about parties is that they vary tremendously depending on the host and the people in attendance. Some are formal, some are structured, some revolve around food, some revolve around conversations, some around dancing. Regardless of all the details, what appeals to me the most is connecting with others. So while I don’t like all parties I definitely like the idea of celebrating. So here is my ideal party:

  • It is a celebration.
  • I connect with others through conversations and shared moments.
  • I enjoy myself. I smile.
  • I am spontaneous. I don’t have unrealistic expectations.
  • I listen to music and maybe even dance.
  • I am appreciative.

When I see this list I realize that my life is this party. I hope to have this party every where I go and everything I do. Talk about being energized and excited! Now I want to have the intention that every day I am a walking celebration. I am the embodiment and host of a kick-ass gratitude party and everyone is invited.


[su_quote cite=”Brad Colby”]When we come together to play and be we are truly ourselves. When we are truly ourselves it is wonderful and when we act collectively in that wonder we do transformative work for our community and our world.[/su_quote]

This Week’s Gratitude Question



[su_button url=”” background=”#178fb3″]What are you celebrating today?[/su_button]



My Gratitude Experience Last Week

zoomYesterday I was feeling sad. It was ridiculous because it was World Gratitude Day and I was hosting an online event and an in-person event while working at my mom’s store. But emotions don’t care about our plans. The gratitude festivities were a wonderful, beautiful and peaceful escape into the present temporarily taking me away from my sadness. Check out the eCard below to see one such moment. When I got there I wrote the word grateful and encircled it with a heart on the stone walkway. I didn’t think much about it and went into the store to continue my work. Later in the day I went outside to see what other people had drawn and written with the sidewalk chalk. I saw “my” heart which had the addition of lovely blue arrows and even some shading. It overwhelmed me with appreciation. Whoever it was brought new life to my message and “my” heart became “our” heart.


Forgotten Gratitude

extraI always use this space to share with you gratitude I have collected through the day but didn’t end up sharing. This week instead I’d like to highlight the opposite. On Thursday night as I was driving down a lonely road a coyote ran out in front of me. Instead of crossing it ran down the road in my same direction. It created an indelible mark of gratitude, one that I did not forget to share that evening. It is always interesting to me the gratitude I experience and then forget but also the gratitude which I am sure to not forget.



A New eCard


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The Gratitude I Shared Last Week


Sun 9/21/2014 I’m grateful for being able to nap in my car when the heavy eyelids pounced … I’m grateful for this event which nudged me to focus on gratitude instead of succumbing to sadness and self-pity … I’m grateful for a friendly warning … I’m grateful for my family, my friends, being surrounded by love.
Sat 9/20/2014 I’m grateful for the comforting and delicious smell of roasting green chile … So much inspiration, forearms crossed turning knobs, big beats and aural journeys … Love conquering fear.
Fri 9/19/2014 I’m grateful for an appreciative audience and even some dancers … I’m grateful for women taking risks on stage alone … I’m grateful for the support of my sleepy dad.
Thu 9/18/2014 There’s an aching it’s terribly uncomfortable it feels like the type of breaking that opens up possibilities and that feels hopeful … Right now I’m grateful for my clear head … Self-awareness … The coyote running in the road making a path for himself and I … Quiet solitude for digging deeper.
Wed 9/17/2014 Gratitude rushed over me when I opened my window and all of my senses were overcome with the surprise of rain. I heard the rain falling, felt a chill on my skin, saw the drops and mud, smelled the wet earth and the smell was so fresh and strong it seems I could taste it as well. I’m also grateful to be part of our big supportive family showing up for Kris … My set finally coming together … A beautiful view from the 9th floor.
Tue 9/16/2014 I’m grateful for jumping into action together and then rewarding ourselves with sweet drinks … I’m grateful for completing two tasks one that I had to stop myself from over analyzing the other that benefited from such detailed analysis … I’m grateful for recognizing my stress level and choosing to disconnect.
Mon 9/15/2014 I’m grateful for cycling through work creativity and music creativity resulting in lots of great writing today … I’m grateful for some day time together … I’m grateful for answered emails so I can plan my week … I’m grateful for imminent sleep.


[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″]AntoniaMontoya

My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it!

A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Inspired by Gratitude and Gratitude Giver members, download your free GratitudeGuide.

My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can to. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336.

Created by Antonia Montoya[/su_note]