Tag: authenticity

  • Your Voice. Your Truth. Your Gratitude.

    Your Voice. Your Truth. Your Gratitude.

    Trust Your Inner Bullshit Detector The Beauty of Truth (Even When It’s Not Pretty) Don’t fake your gratitude. Telling your truth in your gratitude is vital for getting the benefit of the practice. Don’t say what you think you should be grateful for. Don’t say what you wish you were grateful for. Use your voice.…

  • Speak : Think : Believe

    Speak : Think : Believe

    Alignment is the key to authenticity. Bringing Your Gratitude Into Alignment Sometimes I feel like a gratitude fraud. There, I said it. I feel like this because I’m not always grateful. I’m just not. And that’s OK. Because gratitude is a practice. And like all practices it is just consciously choosing to work at something.…

  • But Is It True?

    But Is It True?

    The only gratitude rule that matters. Until The Truth Came Out Last night I was writing my gratitude and I was a little distracted. That was my first problem. I’ve learned that the key to practicing gratitude is to be present. So I took a few mindful breaths and began again. But then I got…

  • With Everything You’ve Got

    With Everything You’ve Got

    Don’t wait to sing your swan song. The Most Beautiful Song  One day when I was a teenager in my parents' house I heard the most beautiful music. It was so intense and complex and captivating that it drew me out of my self-absorbed and friend-obsessed ways. I immediately tried to locate where this music…

  • Show Up and Be Seen

    Show Up and Be Seen

    Risk Vulnerability Two weeks ago I told you about my three step gratitude practice: Notice, Appreciate, Share. Some of us have a hard time with that third step: sharing our gratitude with others. That step is all about vulnerability and it reminds me of this quote by Brené Brown: “Vulnerability is about showing up and…

  • Why I Drop F-Bombs in My Gratitude

    Why I Drop F-Bombs in My Gratitude

      Swear Words Are an Invitation I never realized that declaring, “We want to be fucking grateful,” would be such a siren song for so many people. I was just speaking from my truth. Yes, I say fuck. I wasn’t raised that way. (Sorry mom.) And I turn it off when I’m around children or…

  • I’m Just So Tired

    I’m Just So Tired

      Well Not Just Tired Here goes the list of complaints: I am tired, very tired. My gums are throbbing with my bad tooth screaming to get out. I am stressed with a lingering obligation anchoring my every thought. I am hungry and I don’t even want to be writing right now. One thing I…

  • Mary Oliver, Thank You for Giving Words to My Surrender

    Mary Oliver, Thank You for Giving Words to My Surrender

      The Power of Letting Go   The concept of our true self has been a theme lately that keeps popping up in different areas of my life. Who are you underneath that mask? Who are you when you are aligned in body, mind, spirit, values, senses, action and in ways that you didn’t even…

  • David Bowie on Entrenched Negative Thinking

    David Bowie on Entrenched Negative Thinking

      Staying True to Ourselves, David Bowie Has Always Showed Us How   Last night David Bowie passed away. He was one of those people who was so extremely creative that everything he did pushed our limits of understanding of art and of how the world works. There is an interesting dynamic in his costuming…

  • Are You Saying Sorry Instead of Thank You?

    Are You Saying Sorry Instead of Thank You?

      Say It Like You Mean It I’m so inspired by this cartoon and concept. It resonates with me but I’ve had trouble incorporating it into my life. Mostly I realized I said sorry instead of thank you after the fact when I reflect back on my day. So here is my reflection of when…

  • Learning love and gratitude as we go.

    Learning love and gratitude as we go.

    Have you ever loved a stranger? 1000gratitudes was a beautiful experience. So much love and gratitude across the internet and in Albuquerque at the gratitude party. My heart was open wide primed with a day full of experiencing and posting my gratitude. At the party I felt so much love for every person who came through…

  • Have you noticed what is blooming right before your eyes?

    Have you noticed what is blooming right before your eyes?

    Sit Here for a Moment Gratitude is simple. It is finding joy and appreciation for anything and everything, the ordinary and the spectacular. To practice gratitude may be to write it down every day, to meditate on gratitude, to walk with the intention of gratitude. But whether you practice gratitude or not sometimes it just…

  • Show Up and Be Seen

    Show Up and Be Seen

    Risk Vulnerability Two weeks ago I told you about my three step gratitude practice: Notice, Appreciate, Share. Some of us have a hard time with that third step: sharing our gratitude with others. That step is all about vulnerability and it reminds me of this quote by Brené Brown: “Vulnerability is about showing up and…