Tag: intention

  • 175 Prayers of Gratefulness and Peace

    175 Prayers of Gratefulness and Peace

    Tiny Bundles of Thanks I was at an art exhibit on Friday and had the opportunity to experience a work of art by Rhett Lynch that incorporated 175 tiny bundles made from red fabric tied with a tiny piece of string and meticulously attached to a painting, in neat rows. I was taken by my…

  • Drawing the Wheel – Introduction to Daoist Meditation eCourse Week 2

    Drawing the Wheel – Introduction to Daoist Meditation eCourse Week 2

    Drawing the Wheel Introduction to Daoist Meditation eCourse Week 2 – written by Matt Parsons ­If you are just joining the eCourse now or have not had  time to consistently practice the lesson from Week 1, please return to Melting Your Issues before progressing to Week 2. Introduction to Daoist Meditation – Parson’s Practice Part II…

  • Think Gratitude before you Speak

    Think Gratitude before you Speak

    Today, before everything you say, think gratitude A friend of mine, Giovanna Rossi, participated in the last 1000gratitudes and committed to posting her gratitude throughout the day on Facebook. She had a very interesting take on it. She said that all she did was add, “I am grateful” before everything she was going to post…

  • My Ideal Future is a Party

    My Ideal Future is a Party

    What will you do at your gratitude party? The last time I did a vision statement for my business and life the imagery and sounds of a party came up again and again. This surprised me because I don’t always like going to parties. I really value time in my own nest alone and with…