I’m Just So Tired


Well Not Just Tired

Here goes the list of complaints: I am tired, very tired. My gums are throbbing with my bad tooth screaming to get out. I am stressed with a lingering obligation anchoring my every thought. I am hungry and I don’t even want to be writing right now.

One thing I offer you is my authenticity. I am not that person who is always on. Always inspiring. I’m not even always grateful. And neither are you. Because we are human and sometimes things are hard. Sometimes we feel so complainey that we have a dark cloud over our head shadowing the loveliness that usually grabs our attention. So although I really am not feeling it right now, there is no better time for me to be writing. This is where I can really be your guide.

I’m going to dust off an old tool I created long ago. And practice using it for you right now.



  1. My tooth is hurting. I feel a throbbing sensation on the left upper side of my mouth. It is constant and achy. The pain is traveling down to my lower gums and jaw too.
  2. [It’s easy to share thoughts instead of just feelings. So here is a list of feelings to choose from.] I feel uncomfortable, unsettled, sad.
  3. This is the worst possible time for this. I am so busy and it is hard to concentrate on all that I have to do. How am I going to do my best work when I am in pain? I am also really sad because I am either going to have to lose a tooth or get a root canal and crown. Either way my tooth will be dead and my teeth are important to me.
  4. I don’t have time for this and I can’t work like this. It’s all my fault, if only I took better care of my teeth and flossed every night this wouldn’t have happened. I say that my teeth are important to me but I don’t act like it.
  5. Just did. See above.


  1. My tooth is hurting. I feel a throbbing sensation on the left upper side of my mouth. It is constant and achy. The pain is traveling down to my lower gums and jaw too.
  2. I feel uncomfortable, unsettled, sad.
  3. I’m glad I caught it now before it got worse. And I am so grateful I have insurance to be able to see the dentist. Ever since this started causing me pain I have been flossing every day. Yes I am busy and this is a perfect opportunity to be really organized and to ask for help.
  4. I can do this. I know how to take care of myself and I will. I am sad about the loss of my tooth and that is motivating me to prioritize my oral hygiene. I can work and I will. Because I care so much about doing great work I will prioritize getting this procedure taken care of right away. I am so very grateful that I work from home and I am able to rest when I need to. I am grateful to have my loving partner and dad who can listen to me and be there for me. I am loved and cared for myself and others.
  5. Just did. See above.

It is amazing how much gratitude helps. I feel better. Yes, my tooth is still aching but I feel less stressed and burdened by everything. This tool is so useful as a reminder that we have agency over our thoughts and actions. And when we choose appreciation we choose freedom.

Give it a try for a complaint you have right now. You can skip the complaint by just choosing find-the-good-in-it for #3. Reply to this and let me know if this was a useful tool for you.


quoteYou have everything you need for complete peace and total happiness right now.
~Wayne W. Dyer

What could you complain about but instead you choose to find gratitude for?

LEARNING: Twice last week I wrote what I was grateful for in a moment when the feeling struck. It was so nice to capture it when I was filled with the feeling. Then later that night when I wrote my gratitude it all came back to me as I read the words.

FORGOTTEN GRATITUDE: Last week I was also grateful for a crazy unexpected deal on cherries and the generosity of strangers.

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[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]