And Then I Learned That I’ve Known Abundance All Along


In a field of tall grass I learned two incredible lessons about abundance. And then as I wrote this I realized that tomorrow I celebrate my 2000th gratitude post!

As I wrote this I discovered that tomorrow will be my 2000th gratitude post.

I walked into that field and all that grass had grown so very tall and right on top were the seeds. Seeds that seemed to weigh the grasses down just slightly. The wind blew through and they all swayed as a group. I couldn’t help but think of abundance. But I was thinking of it like a scientist. It was all very logical. There was a high rate of grass and seeds in that small field.


I was watching my 18 month old nephew and the grasses were towering over him. And just like a flash my first lesson of abundance came. No matter how logical you are, abundance is always relative. From his perspective that grass is so much more abundant than from my perspective. So it is all just a matter of perspective. And perspective is a choice. Always. So that means that abundance is a choice. Always.


Then, because it was a Wednesday and my only task was following a baby, the lessons kept coming. I thought about how if these seeds were undesirable weeds then it would be easy to see that as abundant. It was more just a joke to myself at the time. But the realness kept coming anyway. When it comes to negativity it doesn’t have to be a lot to be seen as abundant. Even scientists know that when something is undesireable even small numbers can seem like an abundance. I had never really thought about abundance mindset in the negative before. But the truth of it really hit me.


For the longest time I always said that I was naturally more tuned to a scarcity mindset instead of an abundance mindset. I had to consciously do work to get myself to have an abundance mindset. But the big a-ha moment in the field imagining a field of weeds going to seed made me realize that I know abundance. I know it without trying and without even being mindful. I know it more fully and deeply when it comes to the negative. Because it comes so naturally and because even smaller numbers of negative seem abundant. The negative doesn’t scare me. It teaches me. And then at any moment I can apply that knowing to any situation.


Speaking of abundance, tomorrow I will share my 2000th gratitude post. 2000! If there is anyone who would know abundance of gratitude it is me! But still in my days, gratitude is the exception, it is the thing I practice in the evening and think about here and there throughout my day. But it is not what I do most. It is not what I think the most. And that is OK. The best part of practicing gratitude for this long is that I know I can choose it at any moment and really that is what abundance is all about. There is so much gratitude to be found that at any given moment. No matter what else is going on, I can choose that perspective.


And sometimes the thing that inspires me to choose gratitude is a problem, a complaint, a concern, or something else seemingly negative.


So it is all abundance. An abundance of choice.


quoteI don’t think abundance or prosperity has anything to do with what I own or what’s in my bank account. To me, it is how I choose too see and experience the world.
~Grace Moore

Nature can teach us so much. What are you grateful to have learned from mother earth?

FORGOTTEN GRATITUDE: Last week I was also grateful for noticing lizards scurrying around. Later on in the week they seem to have gone away for winter and I’m grateful I noticed them before they were gone.

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[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]