Aaaaaah … Sinking into the Love


And just like that I was in paradise. With my gratitude overwhelming me I realized that finding gratitude in grief, loss, frustration, overwhelm and boredom help me to fully and humbly welcome the gift of my current surroundings.


Thank You, I Accept This Gift

This week I arrived in paradise. The lush jungle of Nayarit helps you really understand the word verdant.The leaf that is in front of me right now is as tall as I am! One leaf! Flowers, purple, pink, orange and red, grow everywhere. I had a coco frio earlier while I hung out at the hidden Playa de los Muertos, drinking in the hydrating water before having it opened up for me to enjoy the nourishing and refreshing meat. What a blessing to be here. And how perfect that I just finished Amanda Palmer’s, The Art of Asking as I took it all in.


Yesterday I saw the sunset from the straw balcony, framed by palms and other trees, color-shifting and shape-shifting with the dance of clouds. As I took it in I kept thinking, “wow! and thank you.” But the phrase thank you doesn’t really capture it. The gratitude was welling up in my throat, bursting out of my pores, dancing off my eyelashes. I couldn’t contain it. I am so very blessed.


As I finished the book I realized that practicing daily gratitude has been building my receiving muscles. When I can find the good and say thank you for everything I can say thank you for big overwhelming blessings without shame. “Often it is our own sense that we are undeserving of help that has immobilized us. Whether it’s in the arts, at work, or in our relationships, we often resist asking not only because we’re afraid of rejection but also because we don’t even think we deserve what we’re asking for.” ~Amanda Palmer


In the past I have been so overwhelmed by my blessings that I hunch over in shame feeling guilty of receiving a gift I didn’t deserve. But counting my blessings in good times and bad has taught me to receive with grace and humility. In over five years of practicing daily gratitude I know that each and every moment is a gift if I am willing to accept it and say thank you with an open heart. This has prepared me to fully accept and appreciate enormous blessings like living in paradise for nearly a month surrounded by the love of my life and my loving family.


I hope my travels and being disconnected from social media continues to strike my creativity chords and the song can resonate with you. I will be here with you writing every week and sharing gratitude in our community space every day. See you inside.




quoteThe best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.
~Richard Bach

What lovely gift are you grateful to unapologetically accept?

LEARNING: I am on a social media break again. I found myself complaining about what other people were posting. I actually caught myself complaining about other people complaining. Again. Ha! Well I guess that is a good indication that I needed to make a change. So here I am sharing gratitude solely in our community. I hope you will join me. It’s been pretty lonely over there.

FORGOTTEN GRATITUDE: Last week I was also grateful for news sites and face to face family conversations that keep me informed of the vital news … A delightfully refreshing and aromatic basil and piña gelato … Floating over easy waves in the temperate ocean water.

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[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]