My Video Confession



You May Not Know This about Me … but You Should Know


Let me share an example with you. Yesterday I was working at my mom’s store. When I was telling my mom about the day the first thing I said was that my first customer was grumpy and impossible to please. She thought items in the store that were a dollar were too expensive and she argued with me about how much things were. I went on and on telling my mom every boring detail. Talk about being impossible to please! I was complaining so much it was ridiculous. It wasn’t until later that I realized I didn’t tell my mom anything good about the day at all. I could have told her that this same customer was there with her daughter and was helping her with a school project on Dia de los Muertos and how cool it was that schools were doing this type of cultural project. I could have told her about the happy friends who were so excited about our sale and went in together to buy Talavera pots. I could have told her any number of things but instead I told this negative story.


All of us, myself included must remember that the stories we tell create our reality. We must also remember that gratitude is a choice. Finally, we must remember that we are human and we are not going to be grateful 100% of the time. We are not perfect. Isn’t that a relief? The lovely thing about gratitude is that it is always there for us when we are ready. At any moment we can start anew and choose gratitude.



[su_quote cite=”Jack Gilbert”]We must risk delight. We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world.[/su_quote]


This Week’s Gratitude Question

speakup  [su_button url=”” background=”#178fb3″]What are you grateful for about yourself that shows you are definitely not perfect?[/su_button]



My Gratitude Experience Last Week

zoomI’ve told you before that I am always grateful for food and because I like to have variety in the gratitude that I write (in order to keep my practice fresh and alive) I often limit my food gratitude posts. But I went the other way on Tuesday. I devoted my entire gratitude post to food. It was awesome. It was my longest gratitude post I’ve shared in ages. It was fun and it was different. So I guess by embracing the food gratitude I had the variety I strive for!



Forgotten Gratitude

extraLast week I was also grateful for keeping my cool during a potentially explosive situation … The opportunity to work in the family business … A mutual commitment to cook more and eat out less.



A New eCard

Image by Antonia Montoya

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The Gratitude I Shared The Last Two Weeks


Sun 10/11/2015 I’m grateful that Nicole brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers that smells so delightful, no occasion, no special reason … An awesome voicemail from Jean that left me smiling widely … My family working together so effectively and efficiently … Alma holding my hand and making eye contact with me.
Sat 10/10/2015 Thank you to that woman who pointed out the sunset when I was so buried in work I hadn’t noticed. Thank you to hundreds of lovely people I was able to interact with this evening. Thank you Jessi for guiding me to make this lovely candle holder, I’m so grateful for watching the flame dance in color. Thankful that I could rest and eat well and have some time alone. Thank you, Dad, for giving us access to make money with this side gig every year, we are so fortunate. Good night, gratitude.
Fri 10/9/2015 I’m grateful for Eva’s laugh, all of us performing on-demand … An amazing sunset, continually changing color and shape … Making medicine … Restaurants that are open late to nourish me after my work shift.
Thu 10/8/2015 I’m grateful for medicine and rest … A day of getting shit done, riding the energy wave … I’m grateful for a surprise visit at just the right time from @jeherrera3 and cute old man, Chester.
Wed 10/7/2015 So these waves of feeling exhausted are frustrating … I am grateful that the up-waves were much smoother and longer today … I’m grateful for a ridiculously generous Keva Juice gift card that fed me for three months … Thankful for an intern full of ideas and follow through … I’m so grateful to listen to my body and follow its orders.
Tue 10/6/2015 I’m grateful for a healthy juice dinner … Pants that fit comfortably and look good, I deserve that, we all do … So much rest.
Mon 10/5/2015 I’m grateful that Nicole brought me home a warm delicious comforting meal right when my appetite roared … For rest … Oregano oil … A roof over my head a comfy bed under me and blankets over me … Freedom to not work when I need to prioritize rest and recuperation.


Created by Antonia Montoya

[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]

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