Do you remember your dreams?

Saying Thank You for my Dreams

For the longest time I have been intrigued by my dreams. I like to remember them, talk about them, and explore the meaning behind the images. The problem is that I often do not remember them. Even though I know how I can remember them if I really want to. What works for me is keeping a gratitude journal and writing down my dreams the second I awake. But I rarely prioritize this practice; instead I choose to hit snooze and return to my dreams. Although I am usually happy with this choice (and well-rested) I still feel bad about not prioritizing my dreams.

This has emerged in full force recently as I plan a gratitude and active dreaming workshop for this Saturday. It is a collaboration with Tami Brunk, Shamanic Astrologer and Active Dream Teacher. This workshop planning has been the perfect opportunity to practice what I preach. Before I can change my habits, I must accept them as they are and express gratitude for them. So I accept my choice to sleep in this morning. I am grateful for the extra sleep. Further, I am grateful for the small dream fragments that popped into my head this morning after my extra snoozing. I am grateful for my dreams even though they are not fully in my recollection. I remembered more when I first awoke but now the memory is gone. For some reason all I remember now are streams of white. That is all. I am grateful for that image even though it doesn’t make sense to me and even though it is not a complete image.

A few days ago I awoke with a clear memory of a dream. It included images and sounds and feelings and even words in conversation. In the morning I felt very connected to the dream and as the day went by I explored my dream further. Through this exploration, I became even more connected to the meaning in the dream. This was a beautiful experience but I don’t want to make it out to be an ideal. Just like I can practice gratitude on days that are boring, bad, or not the best. I can also appreciate my dreams no matter what. Whose to say that “streams of white” isn’t my most meaningful dream yet?

The important part of a gratitude practice is taking time to contemplate gratitude and acknowledge so many little things that are right in our worlds. We don’t have to remember each detail and recount each moment of gratitude. We don’t have to share the things we are MOST grateful for. Sharing gratitude for the smallest thing can often be the most powerful. The same is true for my dream world. It is honoring and powerful to take time to acknowledge, accept and appreciate my dreams. It is not a contest to remember the most details of my dream. I might only be left with a feeling and I might not even have a name for that feeling. That is more than OK. It is beautiful. My dreams are communicating to me and making an impression on my waking world and for that, I am grateful.


We Are All Dreamers: Gratitude and Active Dreaming PlayShop

An experiential playshop this Saturday, May 9th 1-4pm, to explore and honor our dreams (sleeping, waking, and/or intentions). In this workshop I will help us to accept, honor and express gratitude for our dreams however they show up and whether or not we remember them. Tami will guide us to share our dreams and visions and play the Lightning Dream Work Game–to crack them open and have them guide us into lives of magnified magic and soulfulness. Doesn’t this sound exciting? If you are in Albuquerque and would like to join us, learn more and register here.


[su_quote cite=”Jean Baptiste Massieu”]Gratitude is the memory of the heart.[/su_quote]


This Week’s Gratitude Question

speakup   [su_button url=”” background=”#178fb3″]What are you grateful for about a dream even if you don’t remember the dream?[/su_button]



My Gratitude Experience Last Week

zoomI have a very close friend who I am very disconnected from right now. We don’t talk on the phone and we don’t hang out any more. We do have text message check-ins here and there but I still feel very disconnected. Well one day last week I saw him at a stop light. We didn’t speak, it was just eye contact, a wave, a nod and a smile. But in an instant I felt connected. What a surprise that I could feel so connected without a word and without any physical connection. Yes, I felt grateful, very fully grateful.


Forgotten Gratitude

extraLast week I was also grateful for having some time to myself to do nothing and think everything and think nothing … Being so connected by phone and text and email it helps me feel close even when you are far … Plants that survived under my care.



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Image by Antonia Montoya

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The Gratitude I Shared Last Week


Sun 5/3/2015 I’m grateful for dog fun, photos and sleeping cuteness … Juicy pineapple and the chewy fibrous core … Being able to welcome people and make them feel at home … Remembering my dream this morning, and then when I forgot it I somehow remembered it again hours later.
Sat 5/2/2015 Grateful for a long unplanned nap, I guess I really needed that … Our favorite dessert treat, perfectly ripe and sweet … I am so grateful for the tiny bits of dreams I remember, for the fleeting amount of time I remember them and also those intense dream images that stick with me like super glue. I’m so very grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate with Tami Brunk to create an experience of active dreaming and gratitude for a group of 12 of us on Saturday. I’m so fucking excited and filled with wonder for what this experience will open up for me. Will you join us?
Fri 5/1/2015 I’m grateful for fun with my old drinking buddies, it didn’t matter at all that I was sober … Last minute collaboration, juicy dreaming acceptance and gratitude … Anticipation to see my beautiful girlfriend, any moment now …
Thu 4/30/2015 I’m grateful for being able to help my colleague, being at the right place at the right time to give … Laughing my ass off in a professional environment, feeling confident, vibrant and in my element … A chance stoplight encounter with my long-lost dear friend, it was an eye contact connection that filled me with so much joy, love and overflowing gratitude … Sweet love texts; I miss you, my love.
Wed 4/29/2015 I’m grateful to be able to play and stretch and take risks creatively … I’m grateful for turning off my alarm and falling back into a deep sleep on the one day this week that was possible … I’m grateful for being on a podcast with my brilliant beautiful sister, sharing our entrepreneurial and creative journeys.
Tue 4/28/2015 I am blessed in so many ways. Today I was able to help Nicole get to the airport before dawn and feel overcome with emotion. I helped put on a successful training event that had us praying, laughing, excited, hopeful and learning about systemic bias. I was able to have a nice evening to myself without a schedule, caring for her garden, pulling weeds, relaxing and cooking. So very thankful for another day to give and receive.
Mon 4/27/2015 I’m grateful for moments together, being here, now … Another chilly spring day … Learning to give give give with love gratitude … Cooking yet again and being able to give in this way. Thankful for this day.


Created by Antonia Montoya

[su_note note_color=”#e7e7e7″ text_color=”#686767″ radius=”0″] My gratitude journey started in May 2011 and continues to this day. Thank you for being a part of it! A daily gratitude practice is simple. Write down three things you are grateful for each day. Download your free GratitudeGuide. My clients focus on gratitude and learn from their successes to make the positive changes they want in their lives. You can too. Call me to set up our first meeting 505.333.9336. [/su_note]